Developing Empirical Childhood Injury Prevention Program Adoption Models and Dissemination Strategies
The goal of this project is to identify factors that influence the adoption of an evidence-based injury prevention programming by children’s hospitals in the United States. Working with our partner, Children’s Hospital Association, we developed and administered a survey of hypothesized factors to CEOs and Injury Prevention Coordinators of eligible hospitals. Shortly following the launch of the survey, we will contact all members by the usual distribution methods and invite them to adopt Safe N’ Sound (SNS), an evidence-based injury prevention program. Those who elect to adopt the program will be sent all materials necessary for implementation. We will then follow-up with all members to assess reasons for adopting or not adopting SNS, as well as the degree of SNS program implementation among those who adopted. From the surveys, we will construct two models of adoption: one that predicts the extent of general injury prevention programming by salient facilitators and barriers, and one that predicts the specific adoption of Safe N’ Sound. We will examine the misclassification of these adoption models using CART analysis and will conclude with an audience analysis report and an informed, active dissemination strategy for injury prevention programming in US children’s hospitals.


Safe N’ Sound provides injury prevention information based on current American Association of Pediatrics guidelines and has been tested and shown to be effective in previous studies. Information about the program will be available at our website:


Nancy L Weaver, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Saint Louis University, School of Public Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)